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Welcome to my blog,
by Frédéric De Smet.

based in Belgium.
currently employed at Cegeka.
interested in everything cloud, DevOps and data.
currently working on my data skills.

Stay Secure: Monitoring Secret Expirations with Azure Key Vault, Event Grid and Azure Monitor

This blog post provides a comprehensive guide on managing secret expirations in Azure Key Vault. It covers setting expiration dates, monitoring them with Azure Monitor and Azure Event Grid.

March 5th, 2024 · 3 min read

Simple semantic versioning method in Azure DevOps pipelines

In essence this is a simple way to use semantic versioning in Azure DevOps pipelines. The idea is to use the build number as the version…

August 28th, 2023 · 1 min read
© 2020–2024 blog by Frédéric De Smet
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